Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Rendering… one point perspective

Monday, 14 July 08

We started off with a lecture on one point perspective rendering. From this lecture, we learnt that in order to make pictures attractive we must be sensitive to the light, shadow and texture (materials). The lecturer told us that a well constructed perspective + a well rendered perspective can tell a lot of story. Therefore, he wants us to really pay attention to the lighting, shadow, materials & texture when doing our rendering assignment. For the assignment, we need to use any method of our choice then observe & draw a one-point perspective of an area in our school on our A3 drawing block and render it with colour pencil.

Therefore, I went to the first floor of T5 and draw the corridor. Most of us cannot complete the rendering on time therefore we have to complete it at home and hand in next Monday. We were also reminded to buy the copic markers and bring it on next drawing lesson.

After lunch, we continue on our tessellation project. I spent part of the time to decide and on the combination of the colour for my tessellation. I consulted my lecturers regarding the tessellation and they had given me many useful suggestion, therefore I know what to move on. Basically, we just spent the time on the tessellation project until the time up.

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