Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I See Dead Spaces….

Monday, 31 June 08

We have two exercises for the drawing lesson today. For the first exercise, we need to divide 2 pages of the drawing block into quarter a then find 8 simple object that are not completely such as a chair or a desk and with these objects I need to draw and shade the "holes". This was fun.
The next exercise we need to divide the drawing block into halves and use different lineweights to draw objects in their surroundings even the
parts that i cannot see. Those parts that are nearer to
me are be in thicker line and have dotted line to indicate parts. As for the home activity, the task is to imagine the cubes, sphere, cylinder and pyramid being cut into half and then draw and shade these 4 volumes in colour pencils.

Home activity

After lunch, it is time the director came to give us lecture….. as usual we pinned up the ontography drawings first and prcoceed on to the lecture when our director arrive. Soon, the ‘chim’ lecture starts……

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