Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Monday, 04 August 08

We submitted our drawing portfolio at 10am and Design studio project at 3pm in our own studio today.

Assignments that we need to include in our portfolio:

Term 1
1. Tutti Fruitti
2. Drawing is copying
3. Out of Order
4. Transferring of Hands & Feet
5. Body Language
6. Something’s old, something’s new
Term 2
7. What is that?
8. I see dead spaces
9. point perspective (A3 colour pencil rendered)
10. 2-point perspective (A3 marker rendered)

These are the some of the drawings:

The projects that we need to submit for design studio:

1. Ontography Drawings
2. Escher’s Relativity Model
3. 16 Templates
4. 3 Tessellation Drawings with Formula – Colour, Tone and Pattern
5. 3 mock up Models based on One of the Tessellation Drawings
6. 1 mock up Model using Zo Cards

After the first submission, I went to the workshop to continue making my model and went back to the studio at around 2.30pm to prepare for the next submission.

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