Every Monday morning the first assignment we have to submit was the home activity.
After we handed in our works, we proceeded on to drawing lesson. We were told to pin up our fruit/vegetable drawings (Tutti Fruitti). I saw a lot of beautiful drawings done by my friends. I am really very impressed by the way they draw and how they shade. From this, I learnt that shading and using different line weight can make the fruits look real and outstanding.
My drawings
For today drawing lesson, we need draw and shade on the 2 acrylic sheets using the black fine tip marker. We need to find a partner and draw his/her image. We were told to hold up the acrylic sheet, about 30cm away from our partner’s face and sketch portrait of our partner. We looked at our partner through the acrylic sheet and draw his/her image. We must include every details of him/her and and using lines to get as many details possible.
After completing the first sheet of acrylic, we move on to the next sheet. As for the next sheet, we need to draw the image of our partner again but this time we need to include the details around him/her especially the background. We need to hold the acrylic sheet about 2m away from our partner and sketch figure of them. It must be as detailed as possible as well.
I found it very difficult to draw and shade using the black fine tip marker. From this activity I realized that proportion and dimension is very important as this will affect the drawing we produce.
I found it very difficult to draw and shade using the black fine tip marker. From this activity I realized that proportion and dimension is very important as this will affect the drawing we produce.
After we came back from lunch, we were told to display all our 20 ping pong balls and the 2 sheets of acrylic on our table and we were briefed on the next project. We need to made 3D volume using wires. We need to make 3 volumes which is the sphere(rad 10cm), pyramid(10cm by10cm) and cube(10cm by 10cm by 10cm). We were also told to think and sketch 5 permutations on the different ways to combine the 3 volumes (sphere, pyramid, and cube) together at home. Both the 3 volumes and the 5 permutations must be completed by Monday.
20 ping pong balls
After the briefing, we use rest of the time to make the 3 volumes. The process of bending and making the volume was difficult. The lecturers guided us and told us to make use of the table edge to help use produce a 90 degree bend and I found it very useful. I redo the shape again and again as I am not satisfied with it.
While we were making the wires volumes, the lecturers looked at our 20 ping pong balls and the drawing on the acrylic. They give us comments and suggestion on how to improve on our work. After checking all of our 20 ping pong balls and the drawings the time was up too. Before we go off, we were reminded to complete the 20 more ping pong balls by Wednesday.
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