Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Wednesday, 30 April 08

Today, we need to submit all our 40 ping pong balls, the 3 wire sculptures and show all 5 permutations drawings to the lecturers. After we handed in the ping pong balls, we consulted our lecturers to improve our ideas on the 5 permutations. . I manipulated the shape and try out different combination. They helped and given us their suggestion on which permutation is better for us to work on it. After few rounds of consultation, I decided to work on one of the permutation and the lecturers approved. During the consultation, the lecturer even introduced architect, designs and designers like Frank Gehry and his designs to us. Therefore I have learnt a lot during the consultation.

Before lesson ends, there was a briefing. We were told to complete the 3D wires sculpture according to our chosen permutation. The 3D wires sculpture can cover with pattern to make it like a solid. After we completed, we need to draw 4 outline of the 3D wires sculpture in 4 different views on the drawing block. All this must be handed in on Monday.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Week 3...

Monday,28 April 2008

Every Monday morning the first assignment we have to submit was the home activity.
After we handed in our works, we proceeded on to drawing lesson. We were told to pin up our fruit/vegetable drawings (Tutti Fruitti). I saw a lot of beautiful drawings done by my friends. I am really very impressed by the way they draw and how they shade. From this, I learnt that shading and using different line weight can make the fruits look real and outstanding.

My drawings

For today drawing lesson, we need draw and shade on the 2 acrylic sheets using the black fine tip marker. We need to find a partner and draw his/her image. We were told to hold up the acrylic sheet, about 30cm away from our partner’s face and sketch portrait of our partner. We looked at our partner through the acrylic sheet and draw his/her image. We must include every details of him/her and and using lines to get as many details possible.

After completing the first sheet of acrylic, we move on to the next sheet. As for the next sheet, we need to draw the image of our partner again but this time we need to include the details around him/her especially the background. We need to hold the acrylic sheet about 2m away from our partner and sketch figure of them. It must be as detailed as possible as well.
I found it very difficult to draw and shade using the black fine tip marker. From this activity I realized that proportion and dimension is very important as this will affect the drawing we produce.

After we came back from lunch, we were told to display all our 20 ping pong balls and the 2 sheets of acrylic on our table and we were briefed on the next project. We need to made 3D volume using wires. We need to make 3 volumes which is the sphere(rad 10cm), pyramid(10cm by10cm) and cube(10cm by 10cm by 10cm). We were also told to think and sketch 5 permutations on the different ways to combine the 3 volumes (sphere, pyramid, and cube) together at home. Both the 3 volumes and the 5 permutations must be completed by Monday.

20 ping pong balls

After the briefing, we use rest of the time to make the 3 volumes. The process of bending and making the volume was difficult. The lecturers guided us and told us to make use of the table edge to help use produce a 90 degree bend and I found it very useful. I redo the shape again and again as I am not satisfied with it.

While we were making the wires volumes, the lecturers looked at our 20 ping pong balls and the drawing on the acrylic. They give us comments and suggestion on how to improve on our work. After checking all of our 20 ping pong balls and the drawings the time was up too. Before we go off, we were reminded to complete the 20 more ping pong balls by Wednesday.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Busy but fun Friday…

Friday, 25 April 2008

Starting of our day, it was once again pinning up section. We pinned up our drawings. Our works are accepted and now we can move on to the next activities…..We were told to transfer all the 20 drawing on to the ping pong balls. This is a difficult task for us. We need to think creatively on how to transfer the drawings on the 2D paper on to the 3D ping pong balls. We should think out of the box and produce interesting drawings on the ping pong balls. I used pencils to transfer the drawing on to the ball first and then paint it. I took a long time re-drawing and to re-do as I am not satisfied with my work. We need to complete the ping pong balls at home since we were unable to complete it. From this project, I have learnt how to handle 3D object and to think creatively at the same time improve our drawing and thinking skills.

Before ending the day, there was a briefing for us. We needed to complete the 20 ping pong ball by Monday (28 April 2008) and addition of 20 on Wednesday (30 April 2008) on any themes. This weekend we worked extremely hard to complete our works…..AND home assignment needed to submit on Monday too. For the home activity, we need to draw 3 lines horizontally with 4B pencil on portrait format drawing block.
Then using 2B pencil, draw curve lines that just touch 4B lines without lifting the pencil from paper and finish the exercise with 2B lines horizontally. This assignment train us to draw lines confidently without using ruler.

We were also reminder to bring 2 pieces of 1-2mm thick clear acrylic, black fine tip marker and wires next Monday.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wednesday in design studio...

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

We started by pinning up all 20 drawings. After the lecturers looked through, we need to touch up and redo the works again, as our works were not satisfactory. Therefore we went back to our seat to made changes to our works.
We looked for our lecturers for consultation and made changes accordingly. After the consultation and touch up on our works, our drawings look much better. We were unable to finish the touch up therefore we need to complete it at home.
Before we were released, we were reminded to bring white ping pong balls for the next DS lesson.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Starting of Week 2...

Monday, 21 April 2008

In the morning, first thing we did was to submit our home activity.However, we need to redo and submit our work again after the lecturers had checked. Next we proceeded to the drawing lesson... today we learnt drawing and shading skills. The lecturers taught us different types of shading and hatching, which include line shade dot shade crosshatch and gradient shade. We also learnt to use grid lines to start our drawing.... We are reminded to sharpen our pencils before we shade our drawings. After the lessons, we move on to draw the fruits/vegetables that we brought. The vegetables that i chose is corn. We need to draw 9 different views and 2 cross section views and also to apply the skill we learnt to shade it

In this drawing lesson we have learnt more about drawing and shading techniques and we are able to improve on our drawing ang shading skills.

After all of us presented our toys, we carry on with next event.... fill up a form “it's all about me” which include the meaning of our name, 4 hobbles, 4 adjectives that we would use to describe ourselves and 4 emotions that we always get into.

We need to draw the 4 emotions we wrote and pin them up. We are given another 5 themes and therefore we need to produce another 20 drawing.
The 5 themes are:
· Objects
· Patterns
· Colours
· Materials
· Icons
We have to finish it by Wednesday….

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Last day of the week in the studio

Friday, 18 April 2008

As for today, we displayed our Brick Boy. Most of the Brick Boy done by our classmates are attractive and interesting. They are cute and colourful.

We were asked to do a presentation on our Brick Boy and the lecturers gave their comments.

My Brick Boy

From today activity, we learnt that, the choice of the colour medium we used to colour the Brick Boy is important, because different medium give different effect. Marker and paint are more suitable for this task as compare to colour pencils. this was because it is more attractive and eye
catching .

I used colour pencils for my Brick Boy, therefore I have decided to redo and modify it.
I rearranged the combination and now i chose paint and markers as my colouring medium.
I have changed the design of the pot of honey too.

My modified Brick Boy

Before going home, there is a reminder....
We need to complete the Home Activity ( T1a Draw the line) "out of order” - Draw lines using different pencils (e.g. 2B, 4B) without using rule and must be handed in by next monday morning.

We need to bring a fruit or vegetable of our choice and large penknife for next
week but no round fruit allowed and also to bring one of our favourite toy the next lesson.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Another day in the studio…

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Today, we stared off by pinning up our ideas(drawings) of the redesigned bigger brick boy and the lecturers commented on it.

After the pin up session, we look for lecturers for consultation on our ideas of the Brick Boy.
The process was fun and interesting. My choice of the Brick Boy is Pooh Bear.

We keep trying out different combination and arrangement of the parts, the lecturers guide us along and give us their opinion. Different arrangement of the parts give different appearance and effect on the brick boy therefore we need to fit the character into the structure of the Brick Boy with the best evaluation. So, we started to draw out the template once we decided the design. Once again, we need to draw out the template. This time we had to multiply the length by twice . I kept drawing it wrongly due to wrong measurement so i took a long time on the measurement. We need to complete it at home and submit on friday.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

First day of school in SP

Monday, 14 April 2008

After the introduction by the lecturers, we were given the first task.
We are told to sketch and draw anything that can be found in the design studio (T521). Next we were told to pin up our work and a voting section was carried out.
Everyone was to vote for the drawings that they like most.

From this task we have learnt to look at things in different perspective of an object, be aware of the things around our environment like the interior space and the architecture. We realised that shading will make the drawings stand out more and shading and details are very important.


After lunch, we move on to model making section….. The Brick Boy. In this section, what we needed to do was to measure the size from the template and transfer to a piece of drawing block. Follow by cutting and jointing up together accordingly. We were not allow to use scissor, only penknife can be used and UHU glue was used for joining. This activity was to bulid up our model making skill and workmanship. Transferring the measurement to the drawing block is quite tedious, as we need to be accurate. Joining process is not easy too, we must keep the surface of the model neat and clean, no glue stain. We completed the brick boy at home because we were unable to finish it.

Below are the different views of the brick boy

Before we were released, there was a briefing... We were to select a famous character
and come up an idea for redesigned image of our Big Brick Boy.
This Big Brick Boy has to be twice the size of the one that we have done .
We have to come out with ideas by Wednesday (next lesson).